[nycphp-talk] PHP to OBDC / Exchange

csnyder chsnyder at
Fri May 13 10:35:37 EDT 2005

On 5/13/05, Stephen Musgrave <stephen at> wrote:

> The PHP native IMAP drivers look like they can handle the
> job - but being unfamiliar with Exchange, is it a given that Exchange
> is always running IMAP?

It's not a given that Exchange is running imap, but I believe it's any
easy option to turn on. If not, maybe you can screen-scrape from
Outlook Web Access.

Imap will give you access to messages and mailboxes/folders, but
events, tasklists, and contacts are basically off-limits. True that
you can devine the existence and subject of these items, but you can't
get at the yummy Microsoft metadata that makes them useful.

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