proposing NYPHP Cookbook (aka Re: [nycphp-talk] $$ question)

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Thu May 26 17:46:41 EDT 2005

Rolan Yang wrote:

> David Mintz wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 May 2005, inforequest wrote
>> which brings me to an idea that's related, if not quite the same 
>> thing as
>> the above. I propose: let's create an NYPHP Cookbook. There are several
>> fine Cookbooks that we all know and love.  
>> Finally, make this an online publication; let each recipe-submitter 
>> upload
>> a brief bio and optional JPEG of h(er|im)self and thus get a little
>> exposure. Of course, we could also consider whether it would be
>> cost-effective to try to print and sell it as hardcopy and raise some 
>> $$$
>> for nyphp.
>> Who's up for I'll volunteer to be part of the
>> editorial team.
Didn't we recently start a project similar to this?  I think it was the
code archive project?  I think that project is living in suspended
animation.  Not to poo-poo on the parade but I think we should pick up
the code archive project and add a couple of fields that cover the
submitter and beta it.  I know there was a lot of talk about the code
archive project, I think there were a couple of meetings and even some
documents written.  Who knows the current status of the code archive
project?  Are any of you ready to take up the gauntlet and work with the
core NYPHP people to get this thing done?  I imagine that we could spin
the basic set of scripts fairly quickly so that we could start taking
submissions and compiling a database of NYPHP Tasty Morsels.

I would like to see community involvement on this project.  I know for a
fact that the core NYPHP people are currently working on a new frame
work for the entire NYPHP web site, so if any of you out there would
like to join us and help us finish the code archive project and make a
new home for the tasty bits of code we all love to read about, contact me.

If the scripts are kept fairly straight forward and we attempt to solve
just this problem, I think we have a chance of making the project work.
This is a great opportunity to get involved, if you are not an uber
coder or you have some fear about getting involved, just come and give
it a shot.  You will learn a bunch, get to know some really cool people
and end up with a dog, a beautiful spouse and a white picket fence.
Plus, we could use the help.  Anyone interested please contact me.
Also, anyone with information about the whereabouts of the code archive,
please email me.

Hans K

Hans C. Kaspersetz
Cyber X Designs
hans at

Operations Guy and Presentations Lacky
New York PHP

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