proposing NYPHP Cookbook (aka Re: [nycphp-talk] $$ question)

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Thu May 26 22:32:32 EDT 2005

I am almost certain that nothing I've written would be unique /
valuble enough to be in a "nyphp Cookbook", but I know personally I'd
find one extremely useful for my own purposes.

On 5/26/05, Hans C. Kaspersetz <hans at> wrote:
> Rolan Yang wrote:
> > David Mintz wrote:
> >
> >> On Thu, 26 May 2005, inforequest wrote
> >>
> >>
> >> which brings me to an idea that's related, if not quite the same
> >> thing as
> >> the above. I propose: let's create an NYPHP Cookbook. There are several
> >> fine Cookbooks that we all know and love.
> >>
> >> Finally, make this an online publication; let each recipe-submitter
> >> upload
> >> a brief bio and optional JPEG of h(er|im)self and thus get a little
> >> exposure. Of course, we could also consider whether it would be
> >> cost-effective to try to print and sell it as hardcopy and raise some
> >> $$$
> >> for nyphp.
> >>
> >> Who's up for I'll volunteer to be part of the
> >> editorial team.
> >>
> >>
> Didn't we recently start a project similar to this?  I think it was the
> code archive project?  I think that project is living in suspended
> animation.  Not to poo-poo on the parade but I think we should pick up
> the code archive project and add a couple of fields that cover the
> submitter and beta it.  I know there was a lot of talk about the code
> archive project, I think there were a couple of meetings and even some
> documents written.  Who knows the current status of the code archive
> project?  Are any of you ready to take up the gauntlet and work with the
> core NYPHP people to get this thing done?  I imagine that we could spin
> the basic set of scripts fairly quickly so that we could start taking
> submissions and compiling a database of NYPHP Tasty Morsels.
> I would like to see community involvement on this project.  I know for a
> fact that the core NYPHP people are currently working on a new frame
> work for the entire NYPHP web site, so if any of you out there would
> like to join us and help us finish the code archive project and make a
> new home for the tasty bits of code we all love to read about, contact me.
> If the scripts are kept fairly straight forward and we attempt to solve
> just this problem, I think we have a chance of making the project work.
> This is a great opportunity to get involved, if you are not an uber
> coder or you have some fear about getting involved, just come and give
> it a shot.  You will learn a bunch, get to know some really cool people
> and end up with a dog, a beautiful spouse and a white picket fence.
> Plus, we could use the help.  Anyone interested please contact me.
> Also, anyone with information about the whereabouts of the code archive,
> please email me.
> Hans K
> --
> Hans C. Kaspersetz
> Co-founder
> Cyber X Designs
> hans at
> Operations Guy and Presentations Lacky
> New York PHP
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

Brian O'Connor

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