[nycphp-talk] building an 1-way email list manager

harvey list at
Fri Nov 11 19:33:14 EST 2005

    * Attributes. You can specify information you want to get from 
users when they sign up. When sending a message, you can use this 
information to select the users that need to receive the message. For 
example you can add geographical information. When people sign up, 
they can identify the geographical location they're in and when 
sending an email you can determine which locations need to receive 
the message.

At 06:24 PM 11/11/2005, Allen Shaw wrote:

>Sorry I can't offer any suggestions (wish I could), but I'm curious: are
>you planning to share this (GPL or anything else) when you're "done" ?
>(Not that anything's ever "done," but you know what I mean...)
>- Allen
>David Mintz wrote:
> > Planning to roll my own MySQL/PHP-based mass emailer. Why? Because the
> > recipient list isn't a semi-static, monolithic thing. The admin user needs
> > to be able to select subsets of people/addresses from a database based on
> > various criteria.  (This is your chance to point me to an existing (free)
> > tool that can do or be adapted to do this -- I haven't found any.)
>Allen Shaw
>Polymer (
>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
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