[nycphp-talk] building an 1-way email list manager

David Mintz dmintz at
Sat Nov 12 16:08:33 EST 2005

On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, harvey wrote:

> PHPlist
>     * Attributes. You can specify information you want to get from
> users when they sign up. When sending a message, you can use this
> information to select the users that need to receive the message. For
> example you can add geographical information. When people sign up,
> they can identify the geographical location they're in and when
> sending an email you can determine which locations need to receive
> the message.

I looked at that, then you motivated me to look again. It should at least
provide inspiration, but I think my recipient attributes might be too
complex -- rather than, e.g., "WHERE state = 'NY'", it will depend on
stuff in related tables. Plus the admins need to be able to send mail to
everyone in this db whether they "subscribe" or not. We'll see -- thank

David Mintz

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