[nycphp-talk] Need some suggestions

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Mon Nov 28 20:28:42 EST 2005

To (1) the answer is "no", I'm afraid.  I think the best thing out there
is either FCKEditor or HTMLArea, but both are a bit flakey.

Regarding (2) ...

I did a project that generates fairly complex PDFs (mutliple pages in
three-column layout with some image locations in the layout).  It
generates a 4 page newsletter based on a slew of parameters the user can

I ended up writing my own little markup language to handle the
formatting, and then built a basic javascript-driven tool help the user
mark up their text. 

For rendering, I went with the FPDF library.  This was back in 2003, and
my first choice at the time was to use FO as the markup language and use
a library to render it.  Unfortunately, there weren't any Free tools to
do it with, and I didn't want to start evaluating commercial products
due to time and budget constraints.  So instead of a nice reusable
system, I have a script that drives FPDF which was a bear to write.  And
it's full of magic numbers.

If I were you, I'd start looking at FO tools and see how far that gets you.


Anthony Papillion wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I'm doing a project that needs to allow the user to create a rich text
> document (in a web form in Firefox) that can contain bold, itallics,
> underlines, fonts, etc and then save that as a PDF document that
> retains the formatting. I'm having two issues that I'm hoping someone
> can help me solve:
> 1: Can anyone recommend a good cross-brower rich textbox control that
> I can use as the editor?
> 2: Has anyone ever taken the contents of a rich text formatted textbox
> control and created a PDF out of it? What did you use?
> Thanks in advance. I know it's probably a simple question to some of
> you but it's driving me absolutely nuts.
> -- 
> Anthony Papillion
> Phone: (918) 926-0139
> ICQ: 96-698-595
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