[nycphp-talk] Apache 1.3.x Upgrade to 2.0 Primer Needed

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue Nov 29 14:03:03 EST 2005

Hans Zaunere writes:
> csnyder wrote on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:16 AM:
>>On 11/28/05, Peter Sawczynec <ps at> wrote:
>>>Finally got to do this.
>>>I'm seeking best primer that highlights the differences between
>>>httpd.conf directives and techniques when upgrading from 1.3 to 2.0 in
>>>a *nix environment. 
>>>Additionally, more specifically, if the OS is Solaris would you
>>>configure Apache2 with mpm set to worker, prefork, or perchild.
>>Prefork, as Tim pointed out. Sorry you can't use those threads.
> It's not the OS in this case, but rather PHP.  Depending on the version of
> PHP, thread support is getting better, but I wouldn't want to play with it
> in production for no good reason.  Go with Prefork as Snyder points out.
>>Let us know what you find, Peter. Aside from choosing which mpm to
>>use, I tend to think that there aren't any significant configuration
>>differences, but I can't actually back that up with empirical
>>Of course, you'll need to compile PHP with a slightly different switch
>>( --with-apxs2 ) to use the Apache2 Server API.
> Things are basically the same in terms of configuration.  Which brings up
> the classic question; if you're using prefork, and don't need any of the
> extras Apache has to offer (not related to PHP), then why use Apache 2?  :)

The documentation is nicer...

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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