[nycphp-talk] Thoughts on gettext? What works better?

Scott Mattocks scott at
Wed Nov 30 13:23:05 EST 2005

csnyder wrote:
> I know we have some folks on this list with plenty of i18n
> experience... has anyone gone down the GNU gettext road?
> Are there better ways to localize the strings in your scripts? I'm not
> concerned with content here, just interface -- errors, prompts,
> labels, etc.

You may want to check out PEAR::Translation2 
( It doesn't actually take 
care of managing the translation strings but it does provide a nice 
consistent interface. You can swap out different backends to find the 
one you like best without having to change your code that much. Plus the 
different decorators make it easy to add features without affecting the API.

Scott Mattocks
scott at

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