[nycphp-talk] data modelling vs. db design

michael lists at
Thu Oct 6 11:39:42 EDT 2005

On Thu, 6 Oct 2005 11:14:00 -0400
Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:

> Then developers need to get off the minimalist caveman approach to
> data modeling, and start getting themselves edumucated ;-)  Today's
> web developer looks at databases like a server-side Excel spreadsheet.
> Yuck.

To quote csnyder.. "Preach it brother!"

On smaller application development, the web app guy is probably the data
guy too.  When things grow out of hand, edumacation is vital.

Realistic normalization has been proven effective throughout the ages.  
If a developer has a problem writing SQL queries, ask the DBA for data
diagrams and meta-data.  Heck, they "may" even help you. Views and
stored procedures can be really helpful here.

If the app is for summary reporting (vs transactions), then decide on
some standard element and time dimensions and build a 'warehouse' or
'data mart' style denormalized database.  Again, the DBA can be helpful.

Maybe, if the NYPHP gods are listening.. this would be a good talk
topic.  That is, unless a local database user group gets there first

Great thread, BTW.


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