[nycphp-talk] data modelling vs. db design (was: ER Diagramtoolfor MySQL/OS X)

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Oct 12 09:57:24 EDT 2005

On Tue, 11 Oct 2005, inforequest wrote:

> There seems to be enough interest in this thread, perhaps we should hash
> out a real-world example, using it to make points in the discussion?
> My first suggestion would be a retail system for a shopping cart, with
> qty, prices, and taxes. I think that an open discussion of the proper
> database design, inlight of an eventual application, might be
> very....educational?
> I would be happy to volunteer time to re-post some of the more technical
> posts, for the less-advanced PHPer 9or at least do my best).
> Comments?

I'll buy him a round of whatever he's drinking.

This has been one of the most interesting (read: exquisitely geeky) NYPHP
threads of 2005, imho.

David Mintz

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