[nycphp-talk] Qcodo Framework -- from Zend Conference

csnyder chsnyder at
Mon Oct 24 11:55:17 EDT 2005

On 10/24/05, Jeff Loiselle <jeff.loiselle at> wrote:
> > Seems to me that if you have enough
> > clients, managing a dedicated server might be a good alternative. Or even
> > talk them into it. For a business -- a few hundred bucks a month doesn't
> > seem to bad.
> It gets even as cheap as $30/month at whom I use.
> However, don't forget all the administration time. Managing a server
> is also a full time job, especially when you're managing mail and all
> its associated problems, and not to mention customer support. I've
> been bitten in the ass by this problem before.

It depends on your setup, of course. If you use a stable OS and
outsource your email you can reduce your system administration
overhead to 1-2 hours per month. It's only a full time job when you
are setting up a new client or something goes wrong.

Chris Snyder

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