[nycphp-talk] http analyzer

michael lists at
Mon Oct 24 12:30:28 EDT 2005

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:01:27 -0400
Chris Shiflett <shiflett at> wrote:

> michael wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > I'm revisitting this thread.  
> > 
> > While the above mentioned http analyzers are java based, I like
> > their functionality. I've been poking around freshmeat searching
> > for 'http' or 'proxy' but nothing is jumping out at me.
> > 
> > Does anyone have any suggestions for non-java solutions.. aside
> > from telnet?
> Have you looked at LiveHTTPHeaders? It's a Firefox plugin rather than
> a  proxy, but it's good enough for most situations. I find it a tad 
> frustrating when I need to view the content, and there are some other 
> things that annoy me, but it's worth checking out.

ah.. should work well enough, thanks.
> There's also this:
> I wrote it back in the late 90s and reworked it a bit a few years
> later.  It's nothing great, but it works most of the time. :-)

yea, saw that.. I'm reading your 'http dev handbook' right now.

> Hope that helps.
> Chris

Thanks again,


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