[nycphp-talk] HTML_Quickform question

Tom Melendez tom at
Fri Oct 28 11:16:09 EDT 2005

Hi John,

If understand your question correctly, it sounds like you need to look 
at Renders (they let you format the HTML that the element sits in) and 
perhaps the createElement method.  Also, you may use the html parameter 
to addElement to force HTML into your forms.

You may also choose to use HTML_Quickform with one of the template 
engines, for maximum flexibility.

Good Luck!


John Daly wrote:

>I'm using the Pear HTML_Quickform package to create forms for the latest 
>project I'm working on, and I'm running up against something that I can't 
>yet figure out:  For complex templated forms, how can I get the form 
>elements to display in place, and not only where I explicitly call 
>form->display() ?   Let's say I have a table two columns wide, and six rows 
>long, and I want to spread form elements over all rows of the first column 
>and have them display where they are added.  Can this be done?
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