[nycphp-talk] getting my head around heirarchical structures

Kenneth Downs ken at
Sun Oct 30 10:18:39 EST 2005

> Kenneth Downs wrote:
>>> One suggestion I would make is that each filter be given a name instead
>>> of
>>> an ID, and possibly let the user choose the name.  Then the filters
>>> behave
>>> like functions.  This makes nesting more intuitive.  So I can put two
>>> filters into your table:
> This is not such a bad idea, but it requires me (or whatever admin) to
> create the filters ahead of time and offer them to the user.  Hopefully
> I can come up with a structure that allows for recording whatever
> filters the user can come up with based on the existing columns in the
> flat data view.

Not at all.  You can provide pre-defined filters if you like, or fall back
to system-generated pseudo-names when the user is just typing in criteria.

To validate the criteria, you need a data dictionary.  To make the
validation completely simple, you need to specify the criteria entirely in
atomic values, and not allow parsable expressions.

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software
ken at
PO Box 708
East Setauket, NY 11733

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