[nycphp-talk] similar open source program?

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Sun Oct 30 17:17:48 EST 2005

I wrote it with my own little spam free fingers. I have a pro 
photographer friend of mine who was thinking of buying that software, 
but it seemed like there must be something similar in the open source 
world. And if not a perfect fit, I'd happily contribute time/money to 
bring it along.


inforequest wrote:
> Josh McCormack |nyphp dev/internal 
> group use| wrote:
>>Anyone know of a photo gallery script that's open source and similar to 
>>Particularly the sales related things, like invoicing, tax, shipping, 
>>download rights, etc.
> Never sure but this smells like spam.... I just turned down a request to 
> "ninja market" a web service doing this. The client spec was a perfect 
> fit (although it was a different product):
> - locate up to 100 mailing lists of open source programers or hackers
> - post an inquiry looking for "anything similar" to our product, and use 
> the URL provided
> - make an "in search of" post looking for anything better than our 
> product. Use URL below.
> - be sure to mention the features marked "A" and optionally those marked "B"
> - you may deviate of course from the suggestions but do not mention 
> items D or E
> - save initial post and subsequent posts to same thread, or parallel 
> threads if datestamped after initial post and discussing our product. 
> You get credit for them all.
> I wish people would understand than SEO is not "spamming" because I seem 
> to get 10 requests to spam for every request for optimization. With the 
> latest Google update it seems things will only get worse.
> My apologies if Josh was *not* spamming the list... I tried to make this 
> post demonstrative, because it is so much like list spam.
> -=john andrews
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