[nycphp-talk] SVN questions: incremental save using file changes/deltas &

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Sat Sep 3 08:59:52 EDT 2005

On Saturday 03 September 2005 02:34, Eric K. wrote:
> During the last NYPHP Andrew & Jeff gave an interesting talk on SVN which
> left me with a couple of questions...
> 1) One of SVN's advantages was that it only saves file deltas and not a
> copy of the file. Isn't this unsafe? What if some newbie sysadmin(!!)
> botches my original file or one of my early commits, won't that invalidated
> all my subsequent commits

A version repository is no substitution for backups.  The chances of this happening are the same for any other applications or data stored on your system.  How often does your new sysadmin blow away files in /var/lib/mysql? or /var/www/?  Botching or taking just 1 file out of either may completely render them useless.  Remember that you have a local snapshot of your repos in the form of a checkout.  But maintaining backups will ensure your data will be safe.  Even so, if your sysadmin continues to botch your files, find a new sysadmin :-)

> 2) Is there a shortcut to speed up development or must I duplicate the
> entire server/dev environment in every developer's workspace?

One suggestion is to use a virtual host and docroot per developer on a centralized development server.  This method fits right in with Hans' presentation using Eclipse as a remote editor, while keeping systems potentially development systems configurations limited to one box, reducing the effort required to create new ones.

Andrew Yochum
andrew at
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