[nycphp-talk] Favorite PEAR Packages

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Sep 7 09:45:25 EDT 2005

Every time I look at PEAR packages, I think, "wow that sure would have
saved me some time." Then, when I dig deeper, I see that the package is
in alpha, or it has no documentation, or the learning curve doesn't
appear to be worth the effort, or I worry about customization and
extensibility to my specific requirements (such as how committed do I
get before I hit the wall with the package) or I worry if the general
purpose nature of these packages will cause them to be slow.

The latest packages I have looked at that have caused this angst are
Structures_DataGrid, HTML_Table, Pager 2.2 and Validate. Although these
same general thoughts appear with many other packages such as the mighty
HTML Quickform.

What packages are your favorites? Would you use them for full blown,
large scale custom web applications or smaller "corporate-style"
development effort? Any thoughts or experience with extensibility,
rendering and performance?

Cliff Hirsch

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