[nycphp-talk] Code cleanliness vs. code popularity

Greg Rundlett greg.rundlett at
Mon Sep 19 11:14:00 EDT 2005

On 9/18/05, Chris Shiflett <shiflett at> wrote:
> Greg Rundlett wrote:
> > In my experience, fudforum <> is a better forum
> > software than phpBB, and the main author is a PEAR member who has many
> > code contributions to open source beyond fudforum.
> He's more than a PEAR contributor. Ilia is a primary contributor to PHP
> itself, and he has even served as release manager (for 4.3, I think).

FUDforum is faster, more reliable, and more secure than phpBB, but it
> has a poor interface (in my opinion). I think there is currently a big
> push to improve this aspect.
> > That seems fine, however one major concern that I have is that there
> > is binary content in the installer. I posed a question on the site to
> > find out what it is, and how they could license it under the GPL if
> > the installer itself is part binary.
> It sounds like you misunderstand the GPL.

Huh? One of the primary objectives of the GPL is to allow for distribution 
of human-readable source code, not binary. I have no misunderstanding in 
that regard.

> Until that is clarified, I guess I would suggest NOT using it.
> In that case, you might want to stop using PHP. You can get binary
> distributions of it.

b/c I do not know how to read binary code, I do not wish to put a personal 
recommendation on something which is binary. My comments have nothing to do 
with what formats PHP itself is available in. On top of that, PHP is not 
exactly relevant to a discussion of what the GPL means since it's not even 
licensed under the GPL. PHP developers switched from a GPL license to the 
PHP license way back around version 3. I was trying to be helpful with a 
recommendation of a good forum software, and somehow you twisted the thread 
completely off-topic.

Ilya responded to my question about the binary contents here: There are 
about 9.3M of sources, which I don't have time to review, but they are all 
available. And, I repeat: In my experience, FUDForum is better software than 
phpBB. I was intending to give credit to Ilya originally because I've been 
impressed with his work since the days of the template flame-wars on the 
PEAR-DEV list.

(Binary is not a bad word.)

Well, at least this comment is accurate and non-inflamatory. Just last week 
I was telling people that they should come hear your presentation at the 
next BostonPHP meeting. I hope your presentation accurate and 
non-inflamatory too.

> --
> Chris Shiflett
> Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy
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