[nycphp-talk] php encoders

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Apr 5 13:30:08 EDT 2006

Dan Cech |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>Keith Richardson wrote:
>>Has anyone here dealt with php encoders? I am looking into using one, and
>>wanted to go with the best, most affordable one that works without having to
>>install anything on the system level for customers to use the software.
>>Any thoughts/experience?
>I use ionCube ( at work and it works very well.
>It's trivial to bundle the loader with your software, so that the user
>doesn't have to install anything to run the encoded files.
>One caveat is that if the user has an older version of the loader
>already installed on their system it will need to be upgraded or removed
> before the files encoded with the newer encoder will work.
Have they fixed the incompatiblity issues when Zend encoder is already 
installed? I recal a load ordering issue that seemed simple enough but 
in practice caused all sorts of headaches.

-=john andrews

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