[nycphp-talk] php encoders

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Apr 5 14:08:13 EDT 2006

inforequest wrote:
> Dan Cech |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:
>> I use ionCube ( at work and it works very well.
> Have they fixed the incompatiblity issues when Zend encoder is already 
> installed? I recal a load ordering issue that seemed simple enough but 
> in practice caused all sorts of headaches.

The only time we've run into a problem was on a machine running a very
old version of the zend encoder, which was solved after an upgrade.

csnyder wrote:
> ... another caveat would be that it only works with php4 (or did last
> time I checked).

I've only used it with PHP4, but the current version (6.5) does seem to
support PHP5.


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