[nycphp-talk] Whats a Competitive Salary for PHP Dev

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Apr 14 02:49:09 EDT 2006

David Ngo |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>If all you care about is having a cheap standard of
>living and still being in a good job market, you
>should try Denver, where I just moved from. For $760 a
>month I have a 900sq ft luxury 2 bedroom. Food and
>insurance are cheap too, thats all relative to NYC. 
Ah but that I25 traffic around the DTC is worse than Bergen County NJ on 
a Saturday! And it's that way every single day!
(I teach competitive webmastering  in DTC area...Lone Tree is the best 
desert development I've seen outside of Vegas!)

-=john andrews

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