[nycphp-talk] Whats a Competitive Salary for PHP Dev

David Ngo to_dngo at
Fri Apr 14 00:14:18 EDT 2006

If all you care about is having a cheap standard of
living and still being in a good job market, you
should try Denver, where I just moved from. For $760 a
month I have a 900sq ft luxury 2 bedroom. Food and
insurance are cheap too, thats all relative to NYC. 

--- edward potter <edwardpotter at> wrote:

> This is where I have an amazing advatage by living
> out of NYC.
> This Summer, for $850 a month I can get a great 1
> bedroom, a car (with
> insurance), and  a months worth of food, with lots
> left over.  Of
> course I have to go to Canada for Sushi!  (Ok, add
> taxes, etc, but
> still a heck of a bargain!).
> Movie night?  $3.50.  Just saw V for Vendeta, but
> I'll have to wait
> till I get to NYC to see the new Bjork film, that
> for sure will not
> make it up here. But hey, Netflix, FedEx and Paypal
> can save the day.
> It is very, very rural here (20 mins from the
> Canadian border).
> However we have 4 - 5 mbs wireless connections
> everywhere. 2 years ago
> there was nothing I'm told.
> And I'm sure I can match a $75K -  $120,000K a year
> NYC programmer
> with portfolio and skills.  Diving into Ajax/JSON
> now!
> :-) ed
> On 4/13/06, Andrew Yochum <andrew at>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 06:05:47PM -0400, csnyder
> wrote:
> > > On 4/13/06, tedd <tedd at> wrote:
> > > > I recently saw a part time php programming
> position offered on guru
> > > > for 4-5 hours per day and it paid $300 per
> month (no lie).
> > >
> > > That sounds perfect for a guru. The trick with a
> job like that is to
> > > do everything they want in 1 hour, and spend the
> rest of the time
> > > moonlighting on better-paying gigs.
> >
> > Not sure what Chris is smoking, but $300 per month
> isn't even enough for
> > 1 hour per day, IMO!
> >
> > > David, ask for $100/hr, but accept $80,000 a
> year.
> >
> > I concur.  Depending on level of expertise and
> skillset, I'd say rock
> > bottom is $70k, on up to $120k or more per year.
> >
> > > Good luck, and welcome to NYC.
> >
> > The monthly NYPHP meetings are a great place to
> network and have a good
> > time.  Good luck David.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Andrew
> > --
> > Andrew Yochum
> > Plexpod
> > andrew at
> > 718-360-0879
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