[nycphp-talk] ok, the Holy Grail? joomla?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Apr 22 13:31:26 EDT 2006

On 4/21/06, Michael Hernandez <sequethin at> wrote:
> On Apr 21, 2006, at 10:48 AM, edward potter wrote:
> > Well it seems to have it all, it's been out for awhile, has an
> > interesting history. You can basically mash it up with wordpress and
> > you have 100's of extensions. all OS/php/mysql. Over 300,000 forum
> > posts.
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> eh... it's mambo (basically) ;)

<drawl>Careful, son. In these here parts them's fightin' words.</drawl>

Actually, what was called Mambo is now Joomla, and what is now called
Mambo is something completely different. I'd tell you more, but I'm
supposed to advise everyone to wait for the movie.

> I use it and enjoy using it. It's a
> bit overkill where wordpress is enough for simple blogs, but it's
> extensibility is great for sites with potential to get larger. I look
> forward to seeing what joomla will offer in the next major release.

Then download the 1.5 nightly, found from our developer portal:

Also, you can peruse the newfangled API here:

The coolest thing (IMHO) about what we have done with the 1.5 release
is the JApplication class, where you can make a standalone PHP script
that uses the same session management, database access, and so on
without having to make a proper component and serve it from a Joomla
website. And the XML-RPC server and client are now default, and there
is already a Java-based flat client for content managers in a working

Oh, you gotta check out the nightly, we just did some freaky work on
the front end editor too...

In a way, you could say we wrote the Joomla CMS with the Joomla
framework. Maybe it's time for another presentation? Is there any
interest in this?

Mitch Pirtle
Joomla! Core Developer
Open Source Matters

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