[nycphp-talk] OT - meta tags

tedd tedd at
Tue Apr 25 10:50:40 EDT 2006

>  >The truth is, that meta-tags are not actually needed. As a test, 
>not that one test is conclusive, I created a site that has a current 
>PageRank of 5 without ANY meta-tags whatsoever and without even
>>submitting the site to a single search engine -- explain that.
>I'll try, but there are others on this list that are better versed in PR
>than I am.
>Page Rank is a reflection of backlink support. Get a few links from pr6
>pages that don't link to to many others, and you'll earn yourself a PR5.
>It has nothing to do with meta tags or even page content for that
>matter. Unfortunately, PageRank has little to do with your appearance in
>the results sets as well. It does seem to get spidered alot more,
>though, and it gives links on your pages more "authority". Hopefully,
>you know what to do with that authority (these days it seems the best
>use of a high PR is to sell links to less-knowledgable people who think
>it is important).


My "question" was rhetorical -- I believe I know what PageRank 
represents (link popularity). However admittedly, I do not know how 
the algorithm works. I've read and tried to understand the 
explanations provided by Larry Page et al, I get the general idea, 
but the details are beyond me.

Okay, PageRank and meta-tags have nothing to do with each other 
directly, but both are used in some fashion to determine SE placement 
of a site, correct? So, in that manner, they are related. The 
importance of that relationship is unknown by me -- your mileage may 

As for meta-tags, I'm not disputing that the keywords and description 
are not used, but I am suggesting that their importance is lessening. 
I am also suggesting that several of the meta-tag types are simply 
not of any value.

However, you have given me cause for me to re-think my stand 
regarding the robot tag. As for my stand on meta-tags, I seldom think 
of anything these days as being sound enough foundation to stand upon.

In any event, I shall comment on the remaining portion of your post 
as soon as I can digest and investigate it. :-)

Thanks for the exchange.



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