[nycphp-talk] OT - meta tags

tedd tedd at
Wed Apr 26 14:03:28 EDT 2006

tedd ignorantly said:

>  >The truth is, that meta-tags [robots] are not actually needed.
>  >

john correctly answered:

>Here's an example of creative use of the robots tag. Suppose you have a
>shopping cart full of product info pages, product purchase pages, and
>follow up "you bought this you might also like that" pages. You don't
>want anything cached, because you don't believe Google has a right to
>show your content without your knowing about it/countng it/putting ads
>onto it/whatever. You don't want the actual cart pages (product
>purchase) to be indexed, because they are just lists of somebody's
>order. You want the follow-on pages of suggestions to be indexed because
>of their excellent cross-referenced linking (a.k.a. effective use of
>PR). So you set the product pages to "index, follow, nocache" and the
>cart pages to "noindex, follow, nocache" and the follow-on pages to
>"index, follow, nocache" and the spider does as you request. Most of you
>out there know how to do that dynamically via's just writing out
>the meta info on page load.

I stand corrected -- well actually, I lean a bit to the right, but 
that's another topic.

I didn't understand the depth and scope of the robot-tag.

Thanks for straightening me out about that.


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