[nycphp-talk] Still Selling the PHP5 Upgrade

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Wed Apr 26 21:08:28 EDT 2006


Fact: PHP 4 is only receiving bug & security fixes.  No new features
will be added to PHP 4, nor will it receive maintenance.

Speculation, as I don't believe its been discussed in a public forum by
those who make such decisions: I expect PHP 4 to be sunsetted
eventually, but the userbase is very large so it is hard to guess how
long that might be.  For reference, PHP 3 was sunsetted about 5 months
after PHP 4 was released.  We've now seen PHP 4 be supported much longer
than that, but who knows how much longer.

If others knows more about this subject, please speak up.


On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 08:50:41PM -0400, Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> Thanks, so far. Okay, here is my improved list:
> 1) OOP for scaling up with diversified enterprise applications and
> maintaining centralized control of core business logic. 
> 2) XML/RSS/Web Services integration more accurate, simpler and faster. Jump
> starts integration potential with other sites and third-party services. 
> 3) File Upload is more secure and standardized. Firmer control at this vital
> user interface. 
> 4) Date/Time handling is broadened in scope and features more date
> formatting options to satisfy local and international needs. 
> 5) MySQL database interface is more coherent and more versatile: handles
> connections and queries more efficiently. 
> 6) Read and display full directories with more ease, accuracy and speed.
> This vital user experience is enhanced.
> I need a few more features as they would be sold to an enterprise web site
> management team, not as to be sold to programmers.
> Any more PHP beats the street-wise ideas?
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of Tim McEwen
> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:00 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Still Selling the PHP5 Upgrade
> Off the top of my head:
> 1) Exceptions (i know you already mentioned oop but i think  
> exceptions are worth their own bullet)
> 2) file_put_contents (and all the other built in functions available  
> only 5+  (userland alts are slower)
> 3) Speed (all of the big and little tweaks to memory handling pay  
> off,  especially with OOP)
> 4) Reflection API  (as a lazy documenter,  i have a soft spot for the  
> reflection api)
> 5) PDO  (parameter binding, easy,  parameter binding, easy)
> 6) Iterators (once again, oop but worth its own mention)
> 6) SPL (DirectoryIterator is so much more fun than opendir....)
> 7) Upgrading to php5 will give you practice for upgrading to php6.  :)
> Probably taking some major php5 feature for granted but its been a  
> while since I've had to work with php4 so my memory is a little dusty.
> Good luck with the sell....
> -Tim
> On Apr 26, 2006, at 7:37 PM, Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> > I need a quick intense refresher on 6-10 of the most tangible, most
> > salient,
> > conversational selling points for doing the PHP 4.3.x upgrade to  
> > PHP 5.1.2.
> > So far I've got:
> > 1) OOP
> > 2) Better XML, Web Services handling potential
> > 3) [duh] ...
> >
> > Isn't there more versatile date handling? Is the new MySQLi extension 
> > offering some speed or flexibility enhancements?
> >
> > I just need a few good ones to present. Anything in areas of
> > improved speed
> > or security would be solid.
> >
> > [ By the by, is that AJAX in use at ]
> >
> > Warmest regards,
> >
> > Peter Sawczynec,
> > Technology Director
> > PSWebcode
> > _Design & Interface
> > _Ecommerce
> > _Database Management
> > ps at
> > 718.796.1951
> >
> >
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Andrew Yochum
andrew at

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