[nycphp-talk] Still Selling the PHP5 Upgrade

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Wed Apr 26 20:50:41 EDT 2006

Thanks, so far. Okay, here is my improved list:
1) OOP for scaling up with diversified enterprise applications and
maintaining centralized control of core business logic. 
2) XML/RSS/Web Services integration more accurate, simpler and faster. Jump
starts integration potential with other sites and third-party services. 
3) File Upload is more secure and standardized. Firmer control at this vital
user interface. 
4) Date/Time handling is broadened in scope and features more date
formatting options to satisfy local and international needs. 
5) MySQL database interface is more coherent and more versatile: handles
connections and queries more efficiently. 
6) Read and display full directories with more ease, accuracy and speed.
This vital user experience is enhanced.
I need a few more features as they would be sold to an enterprise web site
management team, not as to be sold to programmers.
Any more PHP beats the street-wise ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Tim McEwen
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:00 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Still Selling the PHP5 Upgrade

Off the top of my head:

1) Exceptions (i know you already mentioned oop but i think  
exceptions are worth their own bullet)
2) file_put_contents (and all the other built in functions available  
only 5+  (userland alts are slower)
3) Speed (all of the big and little tweaks to memory handling pay  
off,  especially with OOP)
4) Reflection API  (as a lazy documenter,  i have a soft spot for the  
reflection api)
5) PDO  (parameter binding, easy,  parameter binding, easy)
6) Iterators (once again, oop but worth its own mention)
6) SPL (DirectoryIterator is so much more fun than opendir....)
7) Upgrading to php5 will give you practice for upgrading to php6.  :)

Probably taking some major php5 feature for granted but its been a  
while since I've had to work with php4 so my memory is a little dusty.

Good luck with the sell....


On Apr 26, 2006, at 7:37 PM, Peter Sawczynec wrote:

> I need a quick intense refresher on 6-10 of the most tangible, most
> salient,
> conversational selling points for doing the PHP 4.3.x upgrade to  
> PHP 5.1.2.
> So far I've got:
> 1) OOP
> 2) Better XML, Web Services handling potential
> 3) [duh] ...
> Isn't there more versatile date handling? Is the new MySQLi extension 
> offering some speed or flexibility enhancements?
> I just need a few good ones to present. Anything in areas of
> improved speed
> or security would be solid.
> [ By the by, is that AJAX in use at ]
> Warmest regards,
> Peter Sawczynec,
> Technology Director
> PSWebcode
> _Design & Interface
> _Ecommerce
> _Database Management
> ps at
> 718.796.1951
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