[nycphp-talk] more on document.getElementById("Div" + count)

R. Mariotti r.mariotti at
Wed Aug 2 12:10:16 EDT 2006

Thanks for the responses so far with this issue.

Both Ed and Rob had some ideas that I've pursued but still could not 
find anything that would cause this error based on their recommendations.

Rob was correct in that I'm supplying a namee Div whose style is set to 
style.display='none' and I am then wishing to make it visible.

And yes, I am the one naming the Divs with the simple and required 
convention of Div1, Div2, Div3, etc.  However, in this case there is 
only ONE Div named Div1.

The js module failing can be downloaded/viewed from >
and it is FREE so there's no worry.  I've queried the author who claims 
that because he cannot duplicate the error I am receiving he cannot 
diagnose it.  OK - then perhaps someone else might be able to.  But I 
know that I seemingly cannot.

If Ed, Rob or anyone is willing to take a look, it will be significantly 

The module is loaded with a <script src=... in the header of my output 
and referenced first by <body onload=... to close the area then 
onClick=... when "asked" to actually display the window/box.

Hope someone can make some sense of this.

Thank you,


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