[nycphp-talk] Best editor? Textmate, just too sluggish over a network?

edward potter edwardpotter at
Tue Aug 8 17:01:40 EDT 2006

I have tried a zillion editors over the years, and have been playing
with textmate as of late.

The issue is that If I mount my remote dir, then edit using textmate
(OSX), the response is horrendously sluggish, (no matter what speed
i'm lucky to be on, even up to 20mbs), local of course it works great.

I was wondering how people who often have to work with files across a
network (dreamhost for me), what's their latest, and greatest way of
handling editing?  Yes, VIM rocks, I just wish it's fonts handling was
a bit better in terminal.

 thanks, ed  :-)

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