[nycphp-talk] Best editor? Textmate, just too sluggish over a network?

M2 m2 at
Wed Aug 9 17:24:30 EDT 2006

Interestingly enough, I use Dreamhost, and work on a Mac as well. I  
use BBEdit, either via command line, via Transmit, or directly to the  
server. It's a really robust text editor, and worth the upgrade price  
I pay ever year or so.


On Aug 8, 2006, at 5:01 PM, edward potter wrote:

> I have tried a zillion editors over the years, and have been playing
> with textmate as of late.
> The issue is that If I mount my remote dir, then edit using textmate
> (OSX), the response is horrendously sluggish, (no matter what speed
> i'm lucky to be on, even up to 20mbs), local of course it works great.
> I was wondering how people who often have to work with files across a
> network (dreamhost for me), what's their latest, and greatest way of
> handling editing?  Yes, VIM rocks, I just wish it's fonts handling was
> a bit better in terminal.
>  thanks, ed  :-)
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