[nycphp-talk] OT: SEO: different hosts?

Warren Myers volcimaster at
Sat Aug 12 12:03:24 EDT 2006

I've seen a lot of BAD search engine optimization advice - and very little

Hosting the blogs on the same server shouldn't matter, though, as places
like Blogger and do it all the time. And both host some blogs
that score high on searches, and others that don't.

From my understanding of Google's technical information, and personal
experience, a lot of your search hits are going to come from how many people
link to you, and how much traffic you get - not what server you're hosted


On 8/11/06, inforequest <1j0lkq002 at> wrote:
> Michael Southwell |nyphp dev/internal
> group use| wrote:
> >I have a client with a Mets blog; he is getting ready to start a Jets
> >blog.  Somebody told him it is better for SEO to host the two blogs
> >on different hosts from each other.  This doesn't make much sense to
> >me, but what do I know?
> >
> It should not make any difference as they are different subjects with
> different audiences, and he is not breaking any rules or guidelines are
> any such nonsense.
> I would be careful about the IP assigned by the host, the past history
> of that IP, and other websites on it if it is a shared hosting
> environment.
> The SEO advice out there is frigtheningly inaccurate, at best.
> >  Can anybody provide authoritative advice on this?
> >
> >
> Now that's funny!  I suppose you'll have to ask
> webmaster-help at (don't bother... it bounces :-)
> -=john andrews
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> "If you think this stuff is confusing, you should try optimizing websites
> for search engine exposure."  john andrews SEO
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