[nycphp-talk] OT: SEO: different hosts?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Aug 12 14:12:15 EDT 2006

inforequest |nyphp dev/internal group use| 

>Let's not forget that SEO is search engine "optimization". Doing pretty 
>good or even very good is not optimal, it's good or very good. You move 
>to SEO when you want to be competitive i.e. purposefully take steps 
>designed to get you to rank above the other guy.
>I think that's why alot of "SEO advice" is useless. "Search engine 
>friendly" is not SEO, it's good webmastering. In this case, doing what 
>wordpress does because it hasn't hurt them is not SEO. In fact, 
>Wordpress uses subdomains for it's own commercial purposes (not for the 
>benefit of the bloggers) which is optimiation in the other direction as 
>far as the blogger is concerned. Why try to be like Wordpress?
>It is fact that your website will be ranked for it's "trustworthiness" 
>if and when it is competitive in it's niche in the search engine results 
>pages. That may involve many factors that Google has determined indicate 
>trustworthiness. One thing that can hurt your trust weighting is being 
>on server with spammers. Another is cross linking multiple sites on the 
>same theme, which is easily detected if the sites have the same WHOIS 
>data, use the same js or templates, or share the same IP or server. None 
>of these are "triggers" as far as I know, but are factors for 
>consideration when and if your site is considered for it's 
>trustworthiness. That can happen when you achieve a top rank, or when 
>somene questions your worth, or at other times. It can also happen 
>automatically when the algorithms are tested or updated.
>Hosting on one server matters if it impacts your performance, your 
>apparent trustworthiness, or if you are doing anything sketchy and such 
>hosting makes it easy to suspect that you are.
I forgot to menton that hosting your sites on one server exposes them 
for your competitors to see. That is probably more important than the 
other issues. Your competitors on the web are all over the globe, 
andhave many intricate agendas (clicking ads to cause trouble, for 

"If you think this stuff is confusing, you should try optimizing websites for search engine exposure."  john andrews SEO

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