[nycphp-talk] General Q; Programming Jobs & Expectations

Ben Sgro bens at
Thu Aug 17 09:50:59 EDT 2006

Hello all, 


I've been following the list now for a bit, lots of great discussion. 


I recently moved to NY from NH where I was doing php/mysql/c development for
a small start-up.

We had very detailed specs, excellent coding styles (use of includes, small
modular procedures and plenty of comments). 

Software was engineered first through a specification and given at least
'some' thought prior to implementation.


Now, starting my new job in NY I am at a larger company that is much more
successful than my last. However,

I am constantly running into files with no comments, spaghetti structure (or
non at all) limited includes (large amounts of duplicate code) and NO specs
what-so-ever on an extremely large project & database(s) with 100's of
stored procedures (again with no comments).

This effects my work directly as it takes unnecessarily long to become
familiar with the code that is spread across multiple files and templates
with no comments or structure.


So, my question is: Is it unreasonable of myself to have expectations of
'engineered' code or is this (current job) just the way things are.

Is it crazy to think I can change things from the bottom, by writing the
specs and speaking with the other programmers to reach a consensus on 'best
practices' and create 'grassroots' support? Should I just 'suck it up' and
put in my time, then move to another job?


I've been consulting along with my fulltime work for about 2 years now, and
I believe that is what I truly enjoy, being my own boss.

But I do need a paycheck every week, so this is not yet a viable


Thanks for your time, I am eager to view your responses!


- Ben




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