[nycphp-talk] CakePHP presentation

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Aug 25 17:02:22 EDT 2006

David Mintz |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>On Thu, 24 Aug 2006, Nate Abele wrote:
>>I'll be giving a presentation on CakePHP at the September NYPHP
>>Group, and I was wondering what specifically people would like to
>>hear about.
>YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Bravo! I'll travel all the way from downtown for
>You know that folks who are totally new to this are gonna want a lightning
>intro to MVC, likewise associations.
>I would love to see you bake a little app before our very eyes with
>bake.php (I can't wait to hear all the oooohs and aaaaaahs)
>I'd like to find out how you handle advanced input validation and
>filtering. (The jury seems to be out about the proper way to apply
>multiple validation rules to one field.)
>I'd like to see how you approach authentication.
>I'd like to see an introducation (that was a typo, but I like it) to ACL.
>I'd like to see how you write a model and controller that would support
>"advanced" database searching (from the users point of view), meaning
>building SELECTs on the fly from user input
>I'd like to know how you approach integration with a popular CMS such as
>I'd like to hear your recommendations regarding hosting Cake apps on a
>shared server running PHP 5 in cgi mode.
>I'd like to hear about what we might expect in future releases.
>We have how long for this, just six hours? (-:
>David Mintz
Man I miss the enthusiasm of the New York PHP community. If I ever get 
that private jet I'll be attending the monthly's again.

I'd ask to address the "all or nothing" question. Frameworks tend to 
require an religious adoption of the entire framework (overhead, 
environment, etc) and that can be a small problem ;-)  What about cake?

-=john andrews

"If you think this stuff is confusing, you should try optimizing websites for search engine exposure, FOR CLIENTS."  john andrews
competitive webmaster

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