[nycphp-talk] CakePHP presentation

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Fri Aug 25 16:26:41 EDT 2006

At 02:26 PM 8/25/2006, you wrote:
>On Thu, 24 Aug 2006, Nate Abele wrote:
> > I'll be giving a presentation on CakePHP at the September NYPHP
> > Group, and I was wondering what specifically people would like to
> > hear about.
>YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Bravo! I'll travel all the way from downtown for
>You know that folks who are totally new to this are gonna want a lightning
>intro to MVC, likewise associations.

Following up on David's point, don't forget that there are likely to 
be people there who will need to hear from the beginning what is 
going on.  You can do this briefly so as not to bore those who know 
it already, but you also don't want to bore those others by 
discussing nothing but advanced details.

Michael Southwell, Vice President for Education
New York PHP - In-depth PHP Training Courses 

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