[nycphp-talk] Alternating records to select in MySQL

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Tue Dec 5 13:47:18 EST 2006


Running into a wall trying to figure out the best way to accomplish the 

I have a web form that allows the user to ask a question about a certain 

On the backend I have, say, five people available to answer questions 
for each topic. They are stored in a MySQL table.

What I want to do is select one of the five people and send the question 
to them.  That part is easy.  The next part is where I am running into a 
stumbling block.

The next time someone submits a question on this topic I want to select 
from the remaining four people/records who have not been contacted.

Then the next time select from the three people not contacted, then two, 
then one.

After all five have been contacted I want to reset their records so that 
I am choosing from all five again.

Thoughts on how to accomplish this?



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