[nycphp-talk] Alternating records to select in MySQL

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Tue Dec 5 13:54:03 EST 2006

Aaron Fischer wrote:
> Howdy,
> ...
> The next time someone submits a question on this topic I want to select 
> from the remaining four people/records who have not been contacted.
> ...
> After all five have been contacted I want to reset their records so that 
> I am choosing from all five again.
> ...

Hi Aaron,

You need a column called something like `selected` in that table.  Set 
it to 1 if the person's been selected.  Once they're all selected, start 
over by setting them all to 0.  You'll have to write the logic in PHP 
for those steps, but that's the gist of it.

Does that work for you?

- Allen

Allen Shaw
Polymer (
slidePresenter (

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