[nycphp-talk] OT anyone interested in collaborating to use php to program Dymo printer?

R. Mariotti r.mariotti at
Fri Dec 8 10:38:27 EST 2006

Slightly OT - but...

I have several web projects where some of the results is to print 
formatted labels (not necessarily address) on a local or remote attached 
small label printer.  Of those that are available, I've selected the 
Dymo because its "supported" by cups and it can connect via USB.

I CAN get output to this printer by opening a pipe to "lp" and passing 
various parameters and then outputing my text.   However, I cannot send 
ANY formatting instructions or the printer stops printing.  It advances 
but nothing prints.

Seeing how Dymo doesn't support Linux and none of the other hardware 
related forums are interested...  I was wondering if anyone in this 
group has any interest in collaborating towards developing a method to 
get the control programming through to this type of printer.
Perhaps the ultimate goal would be to develop a module that would be 
available to all as has been done with many other tasks.

If anyone is interested, has access to or wishes to purchase and work 
with one of these inexpensive printers for this purpose, I would be most 
interested to hear from you.

Thanks to anyone who responds.


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