[nycphp-talk] Drupal junkie needed

Matt Morgan matt at
Thu Feb 9 18:00:24 EST 2006

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>On 2/7/06, Michael Johnson <mike.johnson at> wrote:
>>Let me know some more of the details.... I just migrated
>>to be 100% drupal (from a coldfusion/IIS server to two LAMPs!) Took
>>quite a while. But if they need some integration help, maybe I could be
>>of service. No promises, but I'll help if I can.
>Looks like it isn't a weblication, but more of a client application
>problem. Ultimately they keep a database of mailing addresses and need
>to find a way of centralizing that data, and also allowing for a "Mail
>Merge"-like feature to integrate with Word.
>Maybe there is something for Drupal that could manage the address
>book, and then provide a handy export to a Word-compatible format?
What about CiviCRM, which is meant for non-profits & runs on Drupal (and 
Joomla!). See
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