[nycphp-talk] oracle to buy zend ???

Jonathan Hendler hendler at
Tue Feb 14 17:48:27 EST 2006

I hope they do better than Macromedia with Coldfusion who made 
Dreamweaver so easy to integrate. (not that I ever used Coldfusion)

Generally, I think it's a bad idea. I would like to see Oracle be 
friends with Zend, not BE Zend.
Maybe it is what Zend wants. Who wouldn't want a money so the rest of 
your life you can do "whatever you want" with your time? Maybe even 
something more important than PHP.... :/

I'm ignorant of the Zend Platform for Oracle.  But in principle, Oracle 
could save a lot of money if they just made easier-to-use tools.
They might as well donate tools that simplify everyones life to an open 
source platform. They should do it for Ruby, Python, IDEs. etc.
And they should build easy to use interfaces.
Maybe they should think about buying MySQL instead. :)

Matt Morgan wrote:

> Scott Mattocks wrote:
>>Joseph Crawford wrote:
>>>why does anyone have to buy out zend, isnt the company doing well enough on
>>>it's own 2 feet?
>>It isn't about saving Zend from financial ruin. Its about grabbing a 
>>hold of their market share and profits. If they buy Zend, they own all 
>>of the Zend products. Then they get the money from selling them and they 
>>can control the development. They can make Zend products really easy to 
>>integrate with Oracle. That means people will be more likely to buy 
>>Oracle products.
> Honestly, it's another big-business vote for PHP, and (hopefully) for 
> open-source. Despite some success, Oracle's never been quite as 
> successful as they'd have liked on the applications front (did they 
> ever succeed in buying PeopleSoft? I can't even remember). Not that 
> I'm saying it's a good or bad thing overall, but if you were Oracle, 
> wouldn't you like to have zillions of PHP programmers (and a few good 
> ones :-)) able to write useful applications quickly for your platform?
> I realize it's just a rumor, but Oracle sees the wind blowing away 
> from java, toward PHP, like the rest of us. That's why it's a 
> believable rumor.
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