[nycphp-talk] best place to post articles (other than

Craig Thomas craig at
Mon Feb 20 14:25:42 EST 2006

Ophir Prusak wrote:
> hi all.
> a while back I converted my personal web site into a blog (wordpress)
> so I can easily start expressing my self through articles that I think
> some people might find helpful. I'm a web developer with lots of
> experience in php / databases so most of the articles have been about
> web dev (programming / databases stuff).
> this morning I was looking at the stats of my site - i get about 10
> visitors a day.
> so, I've decided that I should start writing on some other site that
> gets more exposure where hopefully more people can benefit from my
> writings.
> The first place that comes to mind is sitepoint which seems to have a
> broad coverage of topics and strong reader base.
> I was wondering what other sites people would suggest for writing
> articles about web dev stuff besides the obvious :) ?
> tia,
> ophir

Is not PHP specific, but very some very smart dev-bloggers.


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