[nycphp-talk] best place to post articles (other than

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Feb 20 15:02:42 EST 2006

Ophir Prusak |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>hi all.
>a while back I converted my personal web site into a blog (wordpress)
>so I can easily start expressing my self through articles that I think
>some people might find helpful. I'm a web developer with lots of
>experience in php / databases so most of the articles have been about
>web dev (programming / databases stuff).
>this morning I was looking at the stats of my site - i get about 10
>visitors a day.
>so, I've decided that I should start writing on some other site that
>gets more exposure where hopefully more people can benefit from my
>The first place that comes to mind is sitepoint which seems to have a
>broad coverage of topics and strong reader base.
>I was wondering what other sites people would suggest for writing
>articles about web dev stuff besides the obvious :) ?

Well, there is certainly some good that can come from publishing your 
work on other sites. In many ways, writing for other sites is part of a 
strategy to build your own reputation etc.

However, if you like to write content and the only problem you are 
having with your own site is a lack of audience (perhaps a lack of 
audience motivating you to write) that can be solved. In my opinion, you 
have alot more to gain by writing on your own site than by writing for 
the majority of the sites that would publish your content today.

As a developer you are well positioned to self-publish and garner an 
audience. In fact, after you do that you may find yourself being invited 
to write for some of the big sites.

-=john andrews

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