[nycphp-talk] Debugging Remote Problem

Hans Kaspersetz lamolist at
Tue Feb 21 13:01:04 EST 2006

I am having trouble with users of a web site.  The site is based on 
Joomla.  When the user logs in, site uses the community builder 
component, he can browse a page or so, then he is redirected to the 
login screen.  The users are in South Africa.  The rest of my users, 
throughout Europe and US, seem to be using the site fine.  I have been 
unable to reproduce the problem locally here in the US.

How would you approach debugging this problem?  I have phone access to 
the user.  I am the administrator of the server so I can configure 
logging however I need to.  I have set up a development site for my 
guinea pig and I can make what ever changes I need to the site to test 

Joomla + Community Builder
RHE + Apache 1.3



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