[nycphp-talk] best place to post articles (other than

Douglas Clifton dwclifton at
Wed Feb 22 15:33:40 EST 2006

Perhaps your site might get a few more visitors, for
instance from members of this list, if you posted your
message with a signature that includes a link to this
site? I can give you some suggestions, and pointers
to places that may publish your material, but it sure
would be nice to check out some of your existing
content first!

Douglas Clifton
dwclifton at

> From: "Ophir Prusak" <prusak at>
> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
> Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 14:18:21 -0500
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] best place to post articles (other than
> hi all.
> a while back I converted my personal web site into a blog (wordpress)
> so I can easily start expressing my self through articles that I think
> some people might find helpful. I'm a web developer with lots of
> experience in php / databases so most of the articles have been about
> web dev (programming / databases stuff).
> this morning I was looking at the stats of my site - i get about 10
> visitors a day.
> so, I've decided that I should start writing on some other site that
> gets more exposure where hopefully more people can benefit from my
> writings.
> The first place that comes to mind is sitepoint which seems to have a
> broad coverage of topics and strong reader base.
> I was wondering what other sites people would suggest for writing
> articles about web dev stuff besides the obvious :) ?
> tia,
> ophir

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