[nycphp-talk] (no subject)

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Wed Feb 22 10:17:21 EST 2006

Artzi, Yoav (Yoav) wrote:
> I have the following system for cross compilation: a computer on which I
> build, on which the file system of the target computer is mounted. So, I
> do the compile and everything, no problem, pointing to the libraries I
> need (I compile with OpenSSL) by their location on the compilation
> computer. When I switch to the target computer, the libs are there, but
> of course on a different path, and PHP doesn't want to run, pointing to
> unable to find the libs. It doesn't help to put them in the PATH. PHP
> won't run unless I create for them a PATH exactly like it was on the
> compilation computer.
> Any idea? There must be a simple way to solve it that I dont't know.
> Oh, and, of course,  I don't want to compile with static libraries as
> it's a waste of dear space.
> Thanks.

Make sure the path to your libs is in your dynamic linker configuration,
usually found in /etc/ and then run ldconfig.  See "man 8
ldconfig" for more info.

Andrew Yochum
andrew at

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