[nycphp-talk] best place to post articles (other than

Keith Casey mailinglists at
Wed Feb 22 18:24:50 EST 2006

I run CodeSnipers ( ).  We're a general software 
development site but we have a trio of factions that share ideas, 
information, etc.

The first and probably loudest factions is PHP led by Nola Stowe.  You 
might have seen her articles syndicated to PHPDeveloper and some other 
places.  I think she's planning to go to NYPHP Conf.

The second and most excitable is the Rails crowd led by Caleb Tennis. 
He's an author with the Pragmatic Programmers and one of O'Reilly's Ruby 

Finally, there's everything else...  Gavin Bowman is big in the mISV 
crowd, we have a couple C/C++ people lurking around, there's a bit of 
Perl and Java hiding in there, and I regularly interview people 
throughout the community (Mike Ho of QCodo and Chris Shiflett were in 
the last couple months).

According to Technorati, we're in the top 30k blogs... and we generate a 
fair amount of traffic.  Oh, and it's all built on Drupal with some nice 
modules and custom extensions.  By default, all content on the site is 
treated as "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5".

If you or anyone else is interested in contributing, please feel free.


D. Keith Casey Jr.
CEO, CaseySoftware, LLC

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