[nycphp-talk] Send/Receive SMS (Text Messaging) with PHP

harvey list at
Tue Feb 28 00:59:00 EST 2006

Fyi, Google has a send-to-phone extension for Firefox

At 09:11 AM 2/27/2006, harvey wrote:
>I've used teleflip personally to send texts now and then and it 
>seems to have worked fine to different carriers. But that was just 
>very light casual use...
>At 08:53 AM 2/27/2006, Peter Sawczynec wrote:
>>I see that there are ad hoc free scripts/classes/methods for sending SMS
>>text messages from a PHP script out to a specific
>>telephone company's gateway server...
>>but I'm wondering if anyone on the list has had a past experience with
>>setting up a client's website application to
>>send and receive SMS text messages.
>>If so, have you used a vendor with servers that send/receive on your behalf
>>Has anyone used Teleflip
>>personally or professionally?
>>Any previous experiences would be of interest.
>>Warmest regards,
>>Peter Sawczynec,
>>Technology Director
>>_Design & Interface
>>_Database Management
>>ps at
>>New York PHP Community Talk Mailing List
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