[nycphp-talk] Document management software for site

harvey list at
Tue Jan 10 16:32:11 EST 2006

Hello NYphp,

I've got a client who needs a site that will basically just be nicely 
organized "articles".

The issue is that the creation and order of categories, 
subcategories, and articles
might change as new content is created and added to the site. (The 
articles do not have dates).

I've been looking for simple to implement and use document management software.
Some that look interesting are:

My needs are pretty simple:
- add/edit/change order of categories and subcategories (probably at 
least three levels deep),
- add/edit/change order of documents to any cat/subcat (nearly 100% 
of docs will be 100% text only),
- automatically generate navigation and subnavigation
- allow customization of design (very basic design is totally fine)
- create page of article summaries within a cat/subcat (nice to have, 
not necesary)
- text/keyword search (nice to have, not necessary)

Any suggestions?

A few PHP scripts that read the contents of properly organized 
folders would probably work for some of the above.
I've written a few that get close to what I want on a folder by folder basis.
But the main issue is that I don't know how the PHP would order the 
documents other than alphabetically/numerically.
But the docs should be able to be displayed in any order, regardless 
of their names...
And in any case, a nicely done software package would probably be 
better if/as the site grows in complexity and needs...


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