[nycphp-talk] Document management software for site

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Jan 10 16:38:44 EST 2006

Try Joomla!

- Jon

On Jan 10, 2006, at 4:32 PM, harvey wrote:

> Hello NYphp,
> I've got a client who needs a site that will basically just be nicely
> organized "articles".
> The issue is that the creation and order of categories,
> subcategories, and articles
> might change as new content is created and added to the site. (The
> articles do not have dates).
> I've been looking for simple to implement and use document  
> management software.
> Some that look interesting are:
> -
> -
> -
> My needs are pretty simple:
> - add/edit/change order of categories and subcategories (probably at
> least three levels deep),
> - add/edit/change order of documents to any cat/subcat (nearly 100%
> of docs will be 100% text only),
> - automatically generate navigation and subnavigation
> - allow customization of design (very basic design is totally fine)
> - create page of article summaries within a cat/subcat (nice to have,
> not necesary)
> - text/keyword search (nice to have, not necessary)
> Any suggestions?
> A few PHP scripts that read the contents of properly organized
> folders would probably work for some of the above.
> I've written a few that get close to what I want on a folder by  
> folder basis.
> But the main issue is that I don't know how the PHP would order the
> documents other than alphabetically/numerically.
> But the docs should be able to be displayed in any order, regardless
> of their names...
> And in any case, a nicely done software package would probably be
> better if/as the site grows in complexity and needs...
> Thanks!
> Harvey
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