[nycphp-talk] Document management software for site

michael lists at
Tue Jan 10 18:08:41 EST 2006

On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:32:11 -0500
harvey <list at> wrote:

> My needs are pretty simple:
> - add/edit/change order of categories and subcategories (probably at 
> least three levels deep),
> - add/edit/change order of documents to any cat/subcat (nearly 100% 
> of docs will be 100% text only),
> - automatically generate navigation and subnavigation
> - allow customization of design (very basic design is totally fine)
> - create page of article summaries within a cat/subcat (nice to have, 
> not necesary)
> - text/keyword search (nice to have, not necessary)
> Any suggestions?

I've done something very similar for another user group site.  We store
some backend data on the documents in a database.  Each document has a
unique key. Next to that key in the table are foreign keys from a lookup
tables that contains headings, subheadings, page order, showit/noshowit
flags, etc.  The document can be stored in the db or as a reference to a
file.  The public web page queries the db and arranges the nav and
documents according to how each document is associated with the look
up tables.  

I built a little admin interface to edit the lookup tables to
re-arrange the page as needed - on the fly.  Granted, this is pretty
simple.. but works well, has a very low overhead, is very flexible, and
did not take too much time to set up.  I had the added bonus of using
my own css so it blends well.



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